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General Discussion / Re: Logging in comments - one for Lee
« Last post by MR on 30 September, 2024, 05:50:22 AM »
G'day Lee
I've been locked out of the MB for the past 24 hours because the login boxes at top left of the MB which are usually full of asterisks (which I presume to be my username and password) suddenly appeared empty! I was offered the chance of getting a new password but the promised link to my email address never eventuated. However, when I tried to login again, the asterisks suddenly reappeared. So I'm wondering if it might be useful to let everyone know that if they encounter forgotten password problems when logging in, just keep trying and you'll eventually succeed. What do you think?
General Discussion / Re: Checking In
« Last post by MR on 27 September, 2024, 05:37:06 AM »
Yes indeed. Biden was all over the VN media only two days ago talking about his plans to form a strategic commercial partnership between VN and USA. Of course that could all change very quickly after the upcoming election in USA, which is doubtless being watched very closely in Hanoi's halls of power!
General Discussion / Re: Checking In
« Last post by Outback Traveller on 26 September, 2024, 10:07:27 AM »
I certainly remember the weather. As it happens, this month (21st) marked the 53rd anniversary of the last battle we fought there. How things have changed, eh?
General Discussion / Re: Checking In
« Last post by MR on 26 September, 2024, 03:37:19 AM »
G'day Ken - all good up here in Vietnam, thanks. Forecasters reckon we only have a few more typhoons before this year's wet season ends. Usual annual average is 12 storms for the country and about half that number for south-central where we are in Vung Tau, and we've had 4 so far with much less than normal damage, unlike those hit with all that carnage up north! Biggest problem for us is the population boom in Australia forcing the gov't to reduce the usual intake of overseas students, because we wanna get our niece Sunny into a high school near Willoughby so she can stay with us, but all the schools are full at the moment so we're stuck playing the "wait and see" game. Ho hum!  ::)
General Discussion / Checking In
« Last post by Outback Traveller on 25 September, 2024, 10:44:58 PM »
Good morning from southern Oz... Hope everyone is well, wherever you are  :) :)
General Discussion / Re: Message Board
« Last post by MR on 04 September, 2024, 01:57:34 PM »
Hi Pam.
Apologies for taking so long to respond but I had a problem with logging into this MB. No idea what happened but the user name and password boxes at the top of the page were suddenly empty instead of full of asterisks, and I couldn't for the life of me remember my user name and password for this site.
I've been trying to contact Lee but no response so I guess he's still busy helping his local council (I think that's what he was doing - sounded like IT support).
I came back onto this site just now because I think I might have found the password even if not the user name (we changed from the old ones that your Martin gave everyone when Lee rebuilt this site). But lo and behold, the user name and password boxes were suddenly full of asterisks again so I logged in successfully - but still don't know the user name and password!!!
Anyway, it doesn't look like anyone else is using the MB these days so will have to wait at least until Lee comes back on board to try and get him to help Steve Iceton.
All OK in this neck of the woods - Sunny goes back to school for second of two terms tomorrow, then will finish Year 7 (not 8 as I wrongly said below). She's been elected class leader for the second year running so we're all very proud - especially as she was also 1 of only 7 students from her school to pass Cambridge Key English Test (KET) with an A grade! Wish I had her brains!!!
Actually, I've just noticed the "Attachments and other options" below, and sure I've never seen them before so maybe Lee's back on board already and making more updates - I'll email him and let you know if any success.
General Discussion / Re: Message Board
« Last post by PamMcD on 19 August, 2024, 12:30:04 PM »
Morning Martin,

Nice to actually see a message from a living person.  I pop on to see if there is anyone to reply to!  I have stopped emailing Lee. I don't want to be a nuisance!  He told me to send my spreadsheet but now I can't remember why I wanted him to look at it.

Everything is OK, Ernie seems OK and I have been in touch with Alby Simpson.  I wanted Sandy Prince's (Sixsmith's) email address because she may know how Teresa is.  I wanted to find Jim Lucas as well, I was friendly with his ex wife but maybe he won't know where she is.  She did live in Scarborough. Wish I had made more friends amongst the wives or should I say kept in touch with some wive's.

I have only just found out the significance of some women putting a box of OMO washing powder in the window.  OMO meaning Old Man Out, how novel and amusing really.

My cleaner has just left, I have had her nearly a year and it is wonderful.  She is a family friend so it is not like having a stranger in my house.

Sir Kier Starmer doesn't seem to be doing very well.  They are wanting him out already and he is handing out huge wage increases to train drivers who already get 60k a year.  The Docs have not had any pay increases for years so they deserved theirs.  Not sure about teachers, I think they fill the kids up with ideas about gender stuff etc so maybe leave them alone..  Nurses could do with something I think.

Family are OK.  Simon came home for my 85th for 6 weeks because he had no job.  He now has a job so he will be home over Xmas, not his wife, it is too cold for her.  My daughter gets over periodically and I see my other Marsden daughter once a week.  I am very happy on my own and always have been.

Thinks that is all.  As well as the iMac I now have a refurbished MacBook Pro which I love.  Martin (the man who bult the website initially) always told me that if I moved on to Apply I was on my own!!

On that note I will bid you goodbye

General Discussion / Re: Message Board
« Last post by MR on 14 August, 2024, 12:29:56 PM »
G'day Pam - I just popped on here for a quick squiz in case Graham Keogh had posted any updates about his granddaughter travelling over to Vietnam.
By the way, just had an email from Steve Iceton to say he's having problems logging onto this MB because it keeps telling him that it's sent a code to his email address but he doesn't receive anything! I've forwarded his email to Lee but not sure if or when he'll see it because the last he told me a while ago was that he was very busy these days (yes, with computer stuff - but I seem to recall it was for his local council although might be mistaken - he's helping someone, anyway!).
Our latest news is that our ward/niece Minh Anh ("Sunny") turns 12 next week and has just started Year 8 at school here in VN and has been elected class leader, so we're very proud of her and plan to take her up to Danang to walk the golden bridge at the end of this month! (Independence Day long weekend public holiday).
General Discussion / Re: Message Board
« Last post by PamMcD on 05 August, 2024, 02:01:17 PM »
Afternoon All,
Have to try to keep it going.  It is a bit hard to even find somewhere to post a reply.  But I realised that I have to log in in order to reply. 

Nothing much happened to me, nothing every does.  Having a cleaner is delightful and she does other jobs like cutting the grass, hanging clothes out, organising my freezer and fridge, clearing out cupboards and filling in forms.  My God I must be getting stupid.  I can't remember how to do things but I can remember all the details of the John Profumo scandal and the horrific murderer John Reginal Halliday Christie.  My Mum and I waited for the paper to come every morning so we could read all about it.
General Discussion / Graham Keogh - granddaughter Ellie
« Last post by MR on 20 July, 2024, 11:19:57 PM »
G'day Graham - just thought I'd open a new post that we can use if necessary to make sure your granddaughter Ellie doesn't get lost on her trip to the far east, especially if she includes Vietnam in her itinerary, as mentioned on the Guest Book. All you have to do is open this thread and post a message. Cheers, Scouse
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