The last couple of years have been pretty tough for everyone, I think - we've all had our challenges. And that's why I was delighted to discover the great news today that my superannuation scheme will cover Linh and Sunny if I die before them (I've just never checked before, but the VN gov't wants our full financial circumstances as they assess our application for 'expat adoption', so I checked with the super scheme and now it's all confirmed!). I had always thought it might be the case with Linh because I remember being invited to name a beneficiary. But Sunny was an unexpected surprise - she'll qualify for 'dependent child' allowance (nearly 80% of full pension) after she's lived with us for five years, regardless of whether the adoption process goes ahead or not.
We're just passing the four years mark now, so I've only gotta stay alive one more year and she'll be covered until she's 18 (or 25 if studying full time) as long as we can prove she's been living with us for at least five years - which is easy in Vietnam because every household has a 'family book' listing the occupants with dates in, dates out, etc signed by the local People's Committee (they love to know where everyone is from one day to the next - and in this particular case it will be very useful!).
I've gotta say I've had unexpectedly good news before, but today's confirmation that Linh and Sunny will be looked after if (when?) I go before them just absolutely takes first place in my book - YEEEHAAAAA!