That was really just a boring LR trip to Terendak. Arrival at 208 was 'interesting'. I eventually saw the SSM, I reckon it must have been WO2 Hillman, based on the '64 Squadron photo. At least, to my memory, he had a sense of humour - 'What do you do in your spare time?" he asks, "football, cricket, and drinking" was the response. It must have been early in the week, Tue or Wed, because his next remark was "Good, you can do both this coming Saturday. Transport leaves at 0630", "Where to?", 'Ipoh","Where's that?", "Up north - we'll organise some gear. No problem". Up north?? The brain must be working OK - Oh good it might be a bit cooler - further from the equator!! I was still dressed in UK traveling gear, including woolen blazer The 'organised ' gear turned out to be a pair of what these days might be called runners/trainers, white 'shorts',and a white short sleeved shirt. After 9 hours the the Ipoh sun, the trip back to Terendak was me, along with the rest of the 'team', drinking copious amounts of Tiger, doing a passable impression of a lobster. After that initiation, it didn't take me long to find the sailing club, and partake of all the activities that go with dinghy sailing.