Alby Simpson
Bob Blackbourne
Ian McLennan
Tony Ratcliffe
Graham Spurs Johnson (ex Slim School pupil)
(For the Terendak Families Guide)
Ken A. Mackenzie
Vic Galea (ex Head Boy Slim School)
The Shades of Blue & Pat Diviney for "Midnight Hour"
Ernie Hudson
Tricia Jolly
John Darling
Colin (Doc) & Doreen Judd
Ray Petrie
Tom Lindsay
Brian Willis
John Mayer
Rob Drummond
Doug Friend M.B.E.
Dave Dunne
Lynn (Lee) Burgess
Martin Ratia
Ray Mackenzie
Laurence Smith - for the Bukit Bulletin
Tony Potter
Bob Benzie
John (Bo) Plenty
Barry Fleming
Trevor Zubrinich
Jim (Jock) Campbell
Bernie Binge
Harry Chainey (REME)
Paul Green
Brian Wigley
Brian Higginson
Jan Hamilton
Barbara (MacPhail) Steele
Dave Lelo
Andy Anderson
Ken Barr
Terry Poingdestre
Ken - web master of Certo Cito for allowing
me to use the Royal Signal
regimental march
Geoff Southby
Eamon O'Brien
George Dryborough
Reg Smith
Phil Marshall
Dave Smith
Sandy (Sixsmith) Prince
Terry Winsor
Eamon O'Brien
Barbara (MacPhail) Steel
Barry Railton
John Sowerby
Terendak Schools collectively for allowing me to use their Malacca photos 2006
Gordon Firth
Nick Cairns
Tudor Taff Butler
Eric Dit Dit Elson
Mike Hall RAMC
Paul Crick-Lyon
Laurie Skinner
Martin Bienvenu
Nerys Wells
Nigel Pilch
John (Scruffy) Gardner
Kevin Bovill
For for help with Web Design and also
technical advice and assistance:
The late Martin G. Smith
1943 - 2008
Visitor Count: 11317