Author Topic: Indian Variant  (Read 5150 times)

Outback Traveller

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Re: Indian Variant
« Reply #3 on: 28 May, 2021, 01:01:05 AM »
Same here Pam,

Our dopey Federal Government, against all advice and common sense, is allowing dual passport holders as well as Australian citizens, to return here from India. And many of these folks travelled from here across to India in spite of warnings that they may not be able to return at their convenience. Some of their more outspoken people started screaming 'Racism' and our jelly kneed Government caved in.

What all the saner heads said would happen - 'that the Indian Covid strain would escape into the community' - did

And would you believe, this is all because one of these Indian returnees, in the process of being released from quarantine in South Australia, contracted the Indian Covid Variant from another newly-returnee from India. And this person, who flew back into Victoria, has since infected more than 30 people, that we know of, in a wide spread of suburban locations, which means the likelihood of many more infections are on the way.

As a consequence, the State of Victoria went into a 7 Day Hard Lockdown from 2300 hours last night.

This has seriously teed me off. There's a National Signal Corps Reunion in Townsville, Far North Queensland, from 16-19 June. It was postponed from this time last year because of Covid-19. All my airfares, etc. etc., are already paid for. However Due to the Indian Covid spread and lockdown here, Queensland has closed its border to Victorians. If it opens before the 16th, and we're allowed to travel there, the likelihood of having to quarantine for 14 days is more than possible. This all means my chances of attending this reunion are rapidly shrinking to zero. And I'll be about $1k out of pocket...

Not at all happy.


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Re: Indian Variant
« Reply #2 on: 18 May, 2021, 01:56:49 PM »
Now a thousand cases and many of the older Indian residents refuse to have to vaccine. This is terrible that our recovery could be scuppered by these people. It makes my blood boil.  Many of the black people who refuse the vaccine think that the government  have put a chip into it and maybe that it will make them infertile!


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Indian Variant
« Reply #1 on: 08 May, 2021, 01:25:19 PM »
There are now 500 cases of the variant in UK.  It is Indian workers returning, maybe students etc.  Singapore are having the same problem with returning Indians.  It could stop him coming for his annual holiday, Singapore is also on out green list of places we can go to. But I will never be able to set foot there again, which upsets me.  I dream of wandering down Orchard Road, visiting the Marina Bay area, and swimming daily in the condominium pool.  My arthritis is a damned nuisance and I can't think of any thing to make it bearable. Maybe if I insisted they might try and make things better, just to be able to meet my daughter in Manchester for a shopping trip would be super.  Anyone else have these kinds of problems and do you have any tips????