The Chair recognises The Honourable Member for (in) Adelaide.
Thank You Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Speaker (notice how the distaff gender has 3 honorifics while MMs (Mere Males) are limited to 1

I thank The Honourable Member for (in) Vung Tau for question. Always nice to get a question to which an answer can be supplied.
Sending email using the Message Board, is really easy - Print this post for future reference.
Go to Message Board,
Login using username & password,
Mouse Over 'Members' ', (in the first menu, the horizontal one in the top section of the Hello page) and click 'View the memberlist' in the drop down menu,
The Memberlist will be displayed
Click the envelope to the right of your intended recipient's username - your default email client (the software that is normally used when you send/receive emails) will open, complete with your recipient's name/email address, in the 'To' field.
Compose your message and click 'Send' - Job done

If there is no envelope to the right of the username then the user has elected, during the registration process, not to receive emails.
If screenshots are needed to make life easier, just holler.