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Terendak Camp

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Terendak Camp is situated on the coast of Malacca Straits (now Melaka in the vernacular) about 14 miles to the north of the state capital of Melaka. The camp takes its name from its highest hill Bukit Terendak which means "the hill of the rice planters hat" (because it looks like one).
If you look at the map you will see that the camp is fairly centrally placed and that one can travel to Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of Malaysia or Singapore easily in a day.
The actual building of the camp was started in June 1957. It covers an area of about 1,500 acres with an additional 3,500 acres which are utilised for training.

(copied from the Terendak Families Booklet)

Four churches, four swimming pools, 900 married quarters, clubs, messes, shopping arcades, schools, kindergartens, such is Terendak. It cost 10 million pounds to build and has been used for only seven years! Such are the whims of our political masters.

(The above text was taken from an article that I found on the internet)

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Maps of the camp and external facilities
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